Work With Me







Put in some work to reach that dream

of yours with my help!



1-on-1 Coaching

Get the extra training and coaching

you need to walk you through any

process you’re struggling with or to

guide you towards the right direction.

I’ll push you to get things done and

motivate you to keep going!

Website Assistance

If you need help creating your very

own WordPress website, I can walk

you step-by-step on all the how-to’s

from domain names and hosting to

plug-ins and email lists.

WordPress Website Builder:

Save time, frustration, and

overwhelm by letting me handle building

your website for you. From domain and

hosting to themes and content,

I’ll ask you all the right questions to build a starter

website you’re happy with. I’ll then

teach you the simple basics on

how to maintain and update

your website all on your own.

Contact Me for rates and to schedule an appointment.


Email questions to